Happy Good Friday sms Wishes To Friends

May da glory of our Savior strengthen u and May His Graces Shine Upon u On Good Friday N always!

Death is da justification of al da ways of da Christian,da last end of all his sacrifices,da touch of da Great Master which completes da pic

What hard travail God does in death, He strives in sleep,in our despair, And all flesh shudders underneath, The nightmare of His sepulcher.

In his last supper,Jesus gav his body and blood for us!Let us remember tis beautify act of the Lord on this Maundy Thursday.Happy Maundy thu

Da cross was 2 pieces of dead wood and a helpless unresisting Man was nailed 2 it yet it was mightier dan da world and triumphed N will

A perfect God demands a perfect justice He cannot let us get away with sin.We used God's gift of our free will to trespass So heaven's gate.

Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus The unblemished lamb,the perfect sacrifice. He took our guilt and blame upon Himself.. Gud friday

Wen u face problems in life don't ask GOD to take them away Ask Him 2 show His purpose Ask ways how 2 live a day searching his purpose for u

Love to hear what you think!

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